The Consolata Theological Seminary in South Africa saw its beginnings in 2008 in a rented house. A dozen students encountered their lodging there, while waiting for a more suitable location to be found. After months of searching, a monastery in Merrivale, in the Province of Kwa-Zulu, Natal, that used to belong to a community of Sisters, was spotted. The construction is old, but it has enough room for all.
The seminarians and staff relocated to the new place in 2010. However, after some years, the building revealed the necessity of some maintenance work. Water pipes were the first to undergo improvements; then the septic tank had to be replaced.
Last May, Father Simon, the Seminary Rector, wrote to us asking for help to substitute the existing hallway carpet with tiles. The reason being that, when pipe leakages occurred, the carpet got wet and started rotting. The whole project, including removing and disposal of carpet, preparing the floor, purchase of tiles and laying them, will cost US $2,500.
We are confident we can rely on your aid in improving the living conditions of the Consolata seminarians in South Africa. Those who are accustomed to live in a properly cared for building, will keep this habit all their life long!
On behalf of the seminarians who will benefit from the improvement of their house of studies, we thank you in advance for your most generous support.