Wamba, Kenya: a hospital in need of aid
Msgr. Hieronymus Joya, the newly appointed Bishop of Maralal, a diocese in North-Eastern Kenya, is requesting our aid. The Diocese runs a hospital in Wamba. It is the only health center in the whole desert area of the Dioceses. It [more]

Kenya: Ugunja High School
Father Joseph Omondi is a Consolata priest in charge of Ugunja High School, near Kisumu, in the West of Kenya. He has been working as a missionary in Kenya for the past three years and has witnessed the incredible potential [more]

Colombia: building a new mission in the Amazon region
The Consolata Missionaries have been working among the people of the Amazon region in South America for more than 70 years. Since the beginning, they have established missions in the very depth of the forest so that its inhabitants could [more]