The presence of Consolata Missionaries in Nairobi, Kenya is perceived as a beacon of hope by the men, women and children who seek help and guidance for the problems that are troubling their everyday lives.
Our immediate need, and it is a vital one, is to lend our support for the installation of a bio-gas septic digester at Familia ya Ufariji, a Consolata missionaries-run home for street children. The plant
would allow the manure and compost of six cows and about 80 boys to be transformed into energy (methane) through anaerobic digestion.
The project is interesting both in terms of self-sustainability (the ongoing costs to run the street boys’ home would be significantly reduced) and as a learning experience for the children, who would be actively involved in the work to produce bio-gas and would therefore come to discover new environmentally safe ways to produce energy. Your support of this work will help them more than you know.
With $10,000 the project would become a reality and show the boys how to help themselves and eventually become self-sufficient. A local campaign has provided a small part of this cost, but there is so much more to be done, and our present resources are not enough to finish the construction and installation of this facility.
Your gift will greatly contribute to help us complete this project and enhance our existing ministries in Kenya, as well as in other areas of the world.
The young boys hosted in the Familia ya Ufarij Children Home and the missionaries working with them will be ever grateful for your generous support of this project.
Fr. Paolo Fedrigoni, Consolata Missionary,
Coordinator of Projects and Campaigns